Among fly fishermen with salt in their veins, permit have historically been considered the ultimate flats trophy. But permit aren’t just permit. In fact, there are four different species of permit dispersed across the sub-equator oceanic realm – and while all of them are elusive and challenging to catch, one of them requires a particularly golden touch to be brought to hand.
BY RASMUS OVESEN // PHOTOS BY: Alphonse Fishing Co, Keith Rose-Innes, Rasmus Ovesen

THE INDO-PACIFIC PERMIT, (Trachinotus blochii), belongs to a highly recognized and revered order of fish in the pompano family. But, for the longest time, it has stood unjustly in the shadow of its cousin; the Atlantic permit (Trachinotus falcatus), which – to many saltwater fly fishermen – is the only permit species out there. The latter couldn’t be further from the truth, however. In total there are four different species of permit on the flats; Trachinotus Anak, Trachinotus Blochii, Trachinotus Africanus and Trachinotus Falcatus. These species are widely dispersed from the Western Pacific Ocean including but not limited to the Coral-, Tasman-, and Phillipine Seas across the Indian Ocean and the Arabian- and Red Sea to the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
The Atlantic permit, certainly, is the biggest of the four sub-species – with recorded weights in excess of 80lbs (36kilos), but other than that there is very little to suggest that it deserves more attention than its cousins.

All three remaining sub-species are found on shallow flats, and while they certainly display different physiological characteristics, micro-habitat preferences and feeding habits, they all carry that certain genetic coding that makes them a trying and, oftentimes, frustrating challenge to catch on a fly rod.
They’re highly sensitive, cautious, clever and finicky. Furthermore, they have keen eyesight and a highly developed proclivity for rejecting flies. Perhaps, the most difficult of them to catch is the indo-pacific permit (“the golden pompano”), which is also – without much required debate, the most beautiful of the lot. It boasts pearlescent flanks surrounded by glowing coronal auras.
Pure liquid gold emanates from its fins, and gleaming specks of gold dust radiate from its big, soulful eyes. It’s a thing of seditious beauty to behold, and it’s the prime flats trophy of the Indo-Pacific Ocean – a veritable gold trophy!
South African globetrotter, fly fishing guide, and director of Alphonse Fishing Co, Keith Rose-Innes, has a long-lived history of fly fishing for Indo-Pacific permit. He was among the first people to successfully target the fish with fly rods, and he has never looked back. He now resides in the Seychelles, which is widely recognized as the epicenter for those similarly obsessed with Indo-pacific permit and – having guided for these fish for ages, he is probably the foremost capacity on fly fishing for Indo-Pacific permit out there.

You were among the people who initially cracked the code when it comes to targeting indo-pacific permit. What attracted you to this particular fish in the first place?
Keith: I don’t think you can understand the feeling that drives you to fish for permit until you are standing there making the cast. The experience insites the “little boy” in you. I think that when a species is so difficult to catch it becomes an automatic attraction.
I wouldn’t say we ever “initially cracked the code” as we caught them through spending painstaking hours targeting them with a variety of the earlier patterns. The cracking definitely came with the Alphlexo Crab fly pattern as it has revolutionised the game of confidence when fishing for Indo’s anywhere in the world.
What makes fly fishing for indo-pacific permit so special compared to other flats species (and other permit?)
Keith: It’s definitely the difficulty aspect as you don’t catch them by mistake. It’s the one kind of addiction that you can refine and get better at. Permit fishermen are a different kind of animal and for me whether it be Atlantic, Anak, Africanus or Indo’s, the feeling will be exactly the same. The attraction becomes a necessity when you spend so much time fishing for them, finally hook one that stays on, feel the anxiety of it being on the line before finally holding this amazing slab of silver and gold.
What were the main obstacles you faced when you first started targeting Indo-Pacific permit?.
Keith: I think doubt in the fly was the biggest hurdle to overcome as It’s a confidence game. It’s hard to catch the first Indo but it gets easier as you become more confident. The biggest mistake is often placing the fly too far away from the fish and moving it too slowly.
As you spend more time fishing for them you understand how to position yourself taking into account what’s under foot, what the currents or wave action is like, where to place the cast and how to get the fish’ attention. I always tell my guests to let the fish make the decision; rather too close than too far and, “all you need to do is show the fish the fly and then it’s up to the Indo to decide if it wants to eat or not.
What is it that makes indo-pacific so challenging to catch?
Keith: I still believe that we have a lot to learn about the species as it’s hard to understand how a fish can have such a split personality. On some days a “way below par cast” will entice a fish to rush a fly and eat, when other days you can make 100 perfect casts at different fish and present the fly correctly to get a reaction that resembles as if you threw a rock at them. The stars have to align, the weather has to be right, the cast, the strip, the colour and weight of the fly, the fish has to see it and then for some strange reason it has to decide to eat.

How does fly fishing for indo-pacific permit compare to targeting permit (trachinotus falcatus) in, for instance, the Mexican Gulf?
Keith: I haven’t caught enough Atlantic permit (trachinotus falcatus) to preach as if I know this answer. All I can say is that from what I have experienced they are equally as ball-achingly difficult. The only difference is that we catch 90% of our Indo’s on foot and in 1 to 3 foot of water with a slow to medium stripped fly. From my limited experience with Atlantic permit (trachinotus falcatus) they don’t seem to like the fly stripped and most of the shots I have had have been from a skiff. Other than that, they are “brothers from another mother” that all went to the same school of difficult.
What are the most essential skills to bring to the fore when targeting indo-pacific permit?
Keith: Casting, casting, casting and casting! Being able to put that fly into the right place at the drop of a hat, and being able to accurately cast, cast and cast.
What are the most important lessons you’ve learned over the years while targeting indo-pacific permit?
Keith: Never become too despondent and don’t take permit fishing personally. It’s a game of practice, enthusiasm and belief.

Do you have any tips for optimizing the tackle setup for indo-pacific permit?
Keith: Fish as light as you can when it comes to fluorocarbon tippet (12 to 15lbs). Most importantly bring as many well tied Alphlexo’s that you can get your hands on as they work, but never underestimate the tying secrets that the guides hold close to their hearts.
What have been the most important lessons when it comes to flies and presentation?
Keith: Currently the fly pattern doesn’t vary as the Alphlexo entices 99% of the Indo’s we catch. The colour, weight, size and style does however vary between atolls and spots and it’s evolving constantly. If you show a fish a fly and it hangs around long enough to allow a fly change then change the fly rather than keep showing the same fly.

Once you locate an indo-pacific permit (or a small school of fish), how do you best approach them?
Keith: As you fish mostly on foot its best to intercept on their path to where they are going as its best to present the fly to them coming straight at you or between straight on and 45 degrees. What is underfoot will determine how you can approach them as we often fish on mottled bottom that crunches under foot. The weather also plays a part as wind gives you a bit of cover and so does wave action. I believe that current is one of the biggest factors as it carries scent and sound so I’d rather fish to fish up current versus down current.

Is there anything one needs to be particularly conscious about when an indo-pacific permit is finally on the fly (and eventually eats)?
Keith: The most important thing to understand is that you need to keep in direct contact with the fly at all times. An Indo inhales the fly, so the slightest twitch on the line can mean an eat, which requires a steady strip strike to set the hook. Quite often, when you feel a bump, it’s the fly being exhaled and you have missed the eat.
What are the most prolific indo-pacific permit fisheries to your knowledge – and where is your favourite place to target them?
Keith: The most prolific in the Indian Ocean is without doubt the Amirante chain of islands. What makes these fisheries so amazing is that there can be piles on certain days and others nothing. All the atolls fish differently and fish better on different tides. Miss a trick and you could quite easily not see a fish. The humbling part is that even if you know the atoll, the spots, the tidal preferences and fly pattern it by no means guarantees a fish in 7 days of fishing.
Any other valuable tips, for people who would like to catch their first indo-pacific permit?
Keith: Fish with an organisation/guide who understands the species, destination and how to fish for Indo’s. Don’t make an already frustrating situation into an ALMIGHTY frustration that you would never want to do again. Stack all the cards in your favour.
Fact File – Indo-Pacific Permit//
Indo-Pacific permit (also known as golden pompano and snubnose pompano) is a species of pompano indigenous to the Indo-Pacific Ocean, which is distributed across a vast area ranging from the shorelines of East Africa and the Red Sea to the Marshall Islands and Samoa, north to southern Japan and south to Australia. It can grow to over one meter in length (specimens up to 110cm have been recorded), but the average size is somewhere between 40 and 50cm – and fish in the 60cm range are considered trophies.
Indo-Pacific permit inhabit sandy shorelines and muddy bays near river mouths and mangrove tidal channels as well as seaward coral- and rock reefs. They are a schooling fish, but as they grow and mature, they become increasingly solitary. Adults typically feed on crustaceans, sand mollusks, and other hard-shelled invertebrates such as oysters and small crabs.

Fact File – The Seychelles//
While there are guided fly fishing operators in both Australia and Oman specializing in Indo-Pacific permit, the Seychelles are widely recognized as one of the best places to target Indo-Pacific permit anywhere in the world. Especially Poivre, Platte, Alphonse Island, and Astove Atoll are known for their permit fisheries. For more information, please refer to: and

The Alphlexo Crab//
Considered by many a total game-changer, the Alphlexo Crab has now become the go-to fly for most hard-core Indo-Pacific permit fly fishermen. It’s an imitation of a small sand crab and it can be varied in size and colour depending on the habitat and conditions.
The material list is as follows:
The Alphlexo Crab
Hook: Gamakatsu SL 12S
Thread: Danville’s 2/0 Waxed
Body: Flexi Tubing
Weight: Lead Eyes XS, Nickel & Bead Chain Eyes XS
Eyes: Hard Mono – Burnt
Legs: Ultra Chenille Micro
Glue: UV glue or similar