Free Falling is a fly fishing documentary about Baltic salmon in northern Sweden, shedding light on the drastic decline in salmon migration in the region’s wild rivers in recent years. It serves as a spiritual sequel to Home Rivers Recycled, a documentary released by the Undefined Flyfishing Project that celebrated the success of the Baltic salmon. That…
We are all well aware of the challenges facing our precious Atlantic wild salmon these days. For those of us who are passionately engaged in salmon fishing and concerned about the well-being of wild salmon, and who have witnessed the negative trend for many years, it came as no surprise that salmon ended up on…
Norwegian farmed salmon threatens the small wild population of salmon left in the country's rivers. Instead of buying salmon farmed along the Norwegian coastline, consider choosing salmon farmed on land, writes Tobias Lindroth.
The situation is critical for wild salmon in Norway due to several factors: obstacles to their migration, increased consumption,…
Salmon lice from aquaculture poses massive threat to wild sea trout populations, as researchers develop approach vital for prioritizing management measures.
BY Trine Hay Setsaas,
The state of sea trout in 1251 Norwegian watercourses, spanning 16 000 km of rivers and lakes, was assessed using a scoring system for human pressures, abundance data and local…